Where do you live:
I live in Alon Shvut
Tell us about your family:
I'm married to Tamar
Occupation (outside of the army):
I learn in the Gush kollel and i am the Head Madrich of the Gush Overseas Program
Where are you serving in the IDF and in which Unit:
I'm currently stationed in Eilat, in the 5031 Reserve Battalion
What gives you chizuk during your army service:
Seeing the strength and unity of Am Yisrael around the globe and especially in Israel
Share a few fond memories of your time at the Yeshiva:
I'll always remember the amazing ruach and fun of the Torah Bowl Shabbatons. The kavana and chizzuk of davening on Yamim Noraim with the whole school comes to mind every year. Of course, the best memories are of spending time with my friends in the dorm and Chicago.